Friday, February 18, 2011

Break Doowns and Starting over AGAIN!!

So I will start this off with saying last Saturday 2/12/11, I had a crazy break down in the grocery isle at Target. So again I have a crazy problem with food> I just eat certain things. Nothing mushy, no condiments really, if it smells or looks nasty, not Eating it!! So I WAS FEELING EXTRA MOTIVATED to get back on track and actually look for foods that I could eat and still be healthy. So i started my journey up and down the isles at Target grocery! I had my note pad, to jot down what i found, then as i was going up and down each isle, i stopped looked at my paper and it was straight BLANK. No entry was made. I was like Damn it seriously has to be something in here that i eat other than pizza, bacon and corn. I didn't even bother to put them on the paper because that was a given. By now i was like in the middle of  the store and starting to get to the sweet isle. with crackers, cookies, and other nonsense. So i just bypassed that isle all together. then was the chip isle, then the soda isle, By the time i got to the cereal isle my face was covered in tears. I couldn't find nothing in the whole store. I was done once again! I sent out a text message to my guy and said, and i quote,
U ever just felt sad and discouraged and just ready to give up, even though you have given up before on that exact same thing  millions of times before. I am feeling sad, discouraged and depressed and ready to say forget it once and for all!
Well he called me with words of encouragement and that just made me cry even more. Yeah i was feeling all types of down. But i thought i was gonna loose my motivation but I didn't. I left target in a flash and my guy met me at Wal-Mart. He helped me go down each isle and choose the healthy foods that i could snack on and try for dinner and lunch time. Now I'm not saying I didn't get bacon, cause I did, but i got low sodium bacon. Well c how that taste. I was also checking all the sugars and calories and sodium on all the packaging  making sure i wasn't getting anything that had too much of either. I got a lot of fruits and spinach. 35 calorie bread and 60 calorie chocolate. $98 dollars later i had a whole basket full of yummy healthy goodies. I actually have been doing well with that too. and no one in the house has beat me to them. Yay! So I'm motivated once again. I think thought this whole process you will see a lot of breakdowns but some survival stories too! I am so excited for this journey!!

So, I have been going to the gym at least 4 times a week and it has been paying off. I have been feeling a little better instead of a big ol' blob walking around! I now see people that I grew up and work with in the gym, they skinny though, but its good just to see them and give encouraging words. Now Tonite i start my first beginners spinning class!! I probably shouldnt start off with this class because I am like super out of shape. but the instructor is my nurse, from the Dr, and she insured me that I will be fine and to just do what I can do.. I'm more scared about getting on a bike. I mean I haven't got on a bike in like 10 years or more. Hell, do I know how to ride a bike. is it gonna hurt my crotch or squeeze my at crotch.. OK i diverted. I don't know. But imma try it out tonite Pray for me!!!
until next time! Muah&Muah!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

So Umm Yeah!

So yes I know I have been gone along time. I have just been discouraged and ready to give up! So I kinda kicked it to the backside. But like i said earlier in the blog i never finish anything. I have thought and made a decision that i want to change my whole self! Inside and Out!

While making the decisions or better myself or not, I was doing bad, I mean really bad. Eating pizza and cake and chips, just all types of foolishness! But I decided that all that mess is out he window. I do have a small obstacle in my way. I am a very picky eater. I have to find somethings that i can eat that are both filling and healthy. I just discovered in the last couple of months that i love salad. i don't eat dressing but I love raw carrots, oh and raw spinach. i just gotta go shopping for myself..($moneytight) But I am going to put something aside for it. Really I almost gave up on myself again. I thought i had some sort of support system but at that moment i realized that i have to do it for myself. I kept screaming for help but no one pushed me! So in this process, I am by myself and I'm okay with that.

I recently purchased a scale that I have right beside my bed, and it read 7 pounds lighter than what I had been a couple of weeks ago. I was excited to see that. In the past week, after tossing all the foolishness out the window, i changed a lot of things. I First started going back to the gym. I finally got my shoes and got my workout gear together and started going. I don't get that sausage biscuit at Mc Donald's any more. I opt for some delicious Multi-Grain Cheerios that i really do enjoy. I drink Water all day long. or at least i try to. Again i make sure i have a full glass of orange juice in the morning. I have been eating a lot more fruit and no snacks or a little snack. I also try not to eat anything after 7pm. This past week and a half i have been doing great.

Going to the gym is so fun to me. Its like I'm in my own little world sort of. i am a very observant person , and i watch everything and everybody. That's probably why i sometime feel like people are watching me. But other than that i try to zone out. I wish i had a workout partner or could find someone at the gym to talk to so they can work out with me. I don't know anyone there. But maybe when i get my trainer next month i can start meeting people. Cause you know I'm shy around people i don't know. I am definitely trying and hopefully 7-10 more pounds will fall off.

I really am considering getting a Wii. Just something hat i have wanted since it came out! I'll make my final decision soon. I am So excited for my journey to weight loss and being healthy. I shout out to all the women and men who are trying to loose those pounds and stay healthy. Good Luck on Your journey and I hope and Pray that you don't loose your motivation and Stay Strong. One day i wanna be in a race, i think that's one of my short term goals..Maybe by the end of the year i can do something like that.

i will take this pass week as a mess up! I will try to keep my promise and stay on my program that i have created. I have to make some progress!! I have goals that are so attainable and so close. Life will be great!!
Until next Time Muah and Muah!!