Monday, March 14, 2016

Weekly goals or nah?

So my friend Shan sends out this weekly tweet to myself and two other Lovelies..shes like a great accountability partner.. This week the question was, what are your goals for the week? In my brain I had a million answers, so I thought. But as I sat trying to put down a great answer, I got nothing.. Damn...why am i struggling with a goal for, when i saw this tweet i was like OK, I got this, let me as i typed but then i got stuck...its like i almost doubted myself as soon as i thought of a goal...again.
My initial goal I was I was thinking about was that, I'm gonna be on time all week to work...but i cut that short when i realized that i was already late this morning. Then i was like my goal was to work out in some sort of way(walking, gym, Wii, joining a class) but cut that short because I'm going out of town in the middle of the week and knew that right after work I would be hopping right in bed. Then I just froze. Like why am I blocking my own self. I realized, looking back now, that I do this a lot. Before I can start something  I doubt myself and then low key talk myself out of it. I mean like all the damn time, I Do This! AAAAHHH!!! I have to figure out a way to be my own cheerleader instead of my biggest doubter. So all in all..i guess that's my goal for the week! I will be a cheerleader for myself rather than a doubter! Boom!!!


  1. Don't feel bad Mo. I too have been struggling with this. Accountability is tough when you fear failure or not completing the task.I have yet to respond for fear of putting it out in the atmosphere and not accomplishing it...I'm gonna go post it now and work towards completion.

    1. Nikita..omg..yes..i sometimes feel if i show an interest and start it, then not finish it then i will be looked at as never finishing..never following in fear of that i sometimes shy away so i dont become that failure..

    2. Nikita..omg..yes..i sometimes feel if i show an interest and start it, then not finish it then i will be looked at as never finishing..never following in fear of that i sometimes shy away so i dont become that failure..

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  4. Exactly. I love the idea of accoutability however, fear the lable of being the obe that never follows through.

  5. Why am I just seeing this?? Ok, I get what you're saying. I really do because I do it as well. I'll share this...I'll take the accountability a little further. I'll check in mid-day Wednesdays. Fear is a paralyzing emotion. If you allow it to fester, you'll eventually never be able to move. Imagine that feeling. Wanting more yourself, your family, your finances & health are good thoughts to have. Let's help each other (cause I need it too) reach our potential. That's not too much to ask, that's not "doing too much". #UrWorthIt

    We're rhoyalty (remember) let's go get our crowns! #RandomGlam

  6. I so didnt keep up with intentions. Sigh.
